ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 385
services such as education and health were recorded through implementation of project and
Significant developments have been registered in the institutional structure, social services, and
financial sustainability to improve the social security system. By means of the social security reform, primary aim of which is to reach an equitable, accessible, fiscally sustainable social security system, a substantially comprehensive reform was realized by introducing one pension and
healthcare system encompassing the whole population, incorporating the social security institutions and providing unity in standards and norms (Oner and Saritas, 2005; Ercet 2012; Kuruoglu
and Ergen 2000). Hence, a significant contribution is provided with regards to better income distribution and poverty reduction (Morse and McNamara 2009).
In Istanbul, an important model was created which regards human development, along with economic development, as the fundamental dynamic of medium and long-term development in the
last 10 years. This model has been realized through 3 channels:
With macroeconomic policies, implementations have been realized in many fields such as inflation, tax, social security and aids.
With sectoral policies, equal opportunities were provided for poor and disadvantaged people
with applications in education, health, housing, energy, and infrastructure.
With direct social aids programs for the poor, basic daily needs are covered as well as skill acquisition and business development programs were applied.
Social Support Program:
Social Support Program (SODES) has been initiated in underdeveloped regions of Turkey as a
people oriented program which activates local dynamics, regards individuals as a value and offers
opportunities, with which they can express themselves, improve their abilities and exhibit their
skills. This incentive attempts to prevent poverty culture with the aim of enabling sustainable
human development of the poor.
The aim of SODES which was initiated in 28 with the motto “Tiny Touches, Realizing Dreams” is to;
• Share prosperity among diff erent parts of the society in an equal way.
• Enable the participation of different parts of the society into development.
• improve social capital.
• provide social integration.
SODES which was initiated in 9 cities in 2008 and is extended to 3 cities in 2012. During 2008-2011,
20 projects have been applied in order to increase participation in social life and employment
opportunities with the projects created by local actors on local level and to help children, young
people and women express themselves better with cultural, art and sports activities. Within the
scope of SODES, occupational education and guidance programs for children, young, women,
disabled and poor people who have difficulty in participating in social life are supported, microloan applications and social utility programs have been developed. With the study centers and
courses which were formed in order to provide equal opportunities in education, the educational success of tens of thousands students has been increased. Within the frame of this program,
courses in the fields of culture, arts and sports, culture and art centers, libraries, movie theaters
and sports fields have been built and sports tournaments, festivals, and activities have been organized. Especially the children, women, and the young people had the chance to exhibit their
abilities, their self-confidence was strengthened and they acquired habits both good for themselves and the society.
Istanbul towards social sustainability: Istanbul’s social conditions and developments