International Conference | Bari - Lecce , Italy
Session V - VI
Lama A . Mouileq1 & Hasim Altan1
1 Sustainable Design of the Built Environment , Faculty of Engineering & IT , British University in Dubai , UAE , lama . suliman @ live . com / hasim . altan @ buid . ac . ae
A study of sustainability needs to consider the role of all forms of capital — natural , biological , social , technological , financial , cultural — and the complex ways in which they interact . All forms of capital derive their value , utility and application from human mental awareness , creativity and social innovation . That makes a human feature , including social , the vital determinant of resource efficiency and sustainability . The human mind and social modernization provided these factors their values , and utility to apply their applications . Humanity ’ s achievements in solving the fundamental challenge of sustainability in the physical stage propelled the evolution to the critical stage . Humanity is presently in the process of solving these issues by the evolution of more general social formations that extends freedom , opportunity , and security to all . The main purpose of this paper is to investigate and explore the recent and the future sustainable developments related to the situation of human behavior and social knowledge in the city of Istanbul ; Turkey ’ s largest city , by collecting and investigating the sustainable development challenges , strategies , and practices in parallel with the human capital . The focus of this paper is to assess the actions , which Istanbul has realized during its sustainable development . Moreover , in this process , to reveal the policies , which will apply in the future , to determine its “ vision ”, and to evaluate the possible contribution of the city of Istanbul to solve its social problems by reaching for that high level of sustainability for the social factor . In conclusion , the paper demonstrates the way to sustainable development passes through powerful strategies and recommendations . However , without the awareness of restrictions to such development and knowledge of international models proactive approach cannot be applied .
Social Factors , Sustainable Development , Istanbul Sustainability , Human Capital , Social Knowledge , Healthcare , Education .