investors to ensure local communities empowerment .
• Establishment of an independent regulatory body responsible for monitoring the investment climate .
• Establishment of a representation committee for every village within Bamiyan City , which represents the local stakeholders .
b . Employment
• Focusing on the individual who were directly affected by the war and create temporary jobs for them .
• Strengthen the local skills of the individuals to create temporary job opportunities such as sewing , embroidery work , ceramics , and carpet weaving . These skills help boost the local production of goods and help people gain income on the short term . This strategy also contributes to social sustainability since revivalism of traditional skills and crafts helps create a sense of identity among the people .
• Utilize the local skills in the reconstruction phase by focusing on the available building technologies , and encourage the use of local labor to accomplish these tasks .
c . Developing Tourism in Bamiyan
Agritourism Agritourism is a form of recreational activity that takes place in farms , where the farm management would provide the tourists with a stay , food and various agriculture-related activities such as crops picking and feeding animals ( Sznajder et al . 2008 ). This type of tourism has a big potential in Bamiyan city , since it requires less infrastructure than cultural tourism .
Cultural Tourism One of the most prominent features of Bamiyan city is the Bamiyan Valley that is enclosed between the Hindu Kush Mountains . The area of the Bamiyan Valley carry archaeological remains that reveal the artistic and cultural valuable developments in the area dating back to the period between the 1st and the 13th century C . E . After the cultural tragedy that took place in 2003 when the Taliban regime destructed the two giant Buddha statues , these sites were listed as a world heritage site by the UNESCO and there had been many attempts to restore and rebuild these sites . Cultural tourism is a long-term goal since it requires creating the adequate infrastructure to support it . However , the following strategies are proposed to prepare Bamiyan to become an attraction for cultural tourism in the future :
• Promote awareness of the significance of the archaeological remains in Bamiyan through education , events , campaigns and festivals . This will also contribute to social sustainability .
• Training of individuals for preservation and conservation to ensure sustainable management body for these sites .
• Provide incentives to the people of Bamiyan to participate in the protection of their heritage . ( Asia Times Online 2006 ).
• Provide alternative housing solutions to the cave dwellers , which are the Hazara families that are currently occupying the caves of the World Heritage Site because of extreme poverty and lack of other housing solutions ( BBC 2015 ).
358 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce , Italy