Bamiyan .
• For the short term , it is recommended to promote and subsidize improved cooking stoves .
• In the long term , it is advised to subsidize cleaner fuel types such as electricity and kerosene . However , this solution is less cost effective and its applicability is limited to a certain part of the population who can afford the change . Strategies proposed to solve the problem of energy contribute largely to solving this issue .
Social Sustainable Development Strategies Afghanistan is known for its cultural and ethnic diversity . Being the interconnection between many different cultures since the beginning of its foundation , it has been described as “ The Roundabout of Asia ” ( UNESCO 2014 ). Bamiyan city is located at the Hazarajat , the homeland of Hazara people , a religious minority in Afghanistan , who represent the majority of Bamiyan population besides that Tajiks ( UNESCO 2014 ).
Strategies proposed under this section aim to ensure provision of essential social services required for the wellbeing of Bamiyan population , revive and celebrate the rich culture of Bamiyan city , and establish a sense of belonging among individuals . Recommendations cover three main aspects : health , education , and promoting the culture of peace .
a . Health and Educational Facilities According to the UNDESA Division for Sustainable Development ( 2011 ), provision of basic education and healthcare facilities must be prioritized to economic growth and infrastructure rehabilitation projects . The following strategies are proposed to enhance education and health care facilities in Bamiyan :
Short Term Solutions
• Prioritize and focus on provision of primary education since it requires fewer resources , yet has a great impact on the community ( UNDESA DSD 2011 ).
• Establishment of community-based primary learning facilities to meet the needs of the villages that lack schools or suffer from the problem of inaccessibility to nearby schools due to distance , harsh climate , mountain terrain , and unavailability of adequate connecting roads . A successful example is the Let Us Learn initiative by the UNICEF , which involves creating local community-based learning centers that provides basic education for children who are deprived of it . Such centers can provide informal education to the children and are considered only as temporary solutions , however , they enable them to join formal education when the opportunity comes up and protect them from being left behind ( UNICEF 2015 ).
• Building capacities for both education and health sectors and provide training opportunities .
• Collaboration with other major cities in Afghanistan to arrange for medical residency programs in Bamiyan ( WHO 2013 ).
• Arrange clinical rotation between urban and rural areas to fight the maldistribution of workers in health disciplines ( WHO 2013 ).
Long Term Solutions
• Development of the roads network in Bamiyan city to ensure better connectivity for the villagers and the social services . This aspect also contributes to the economic development of the city .
• Facilitate the enrolment of Bamiyan youth in health discipline programs and subsidize education for return of service ( WHO 2013 ).
• Development of tertiary education to help build the human capacity needed to support the
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