ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 325
Figure 1: Range of the Number of Intelligent Building Technologies found in the analysed Case Studies
certified by BREEAM
It was also observed (Refer to Figure 2) that the number of IBTs in the CERTIFIED buildings ranged
from 0 to 2; SILVER buildings ranged from 2 to 3; GOLD buildings ranged from 6 to 16; and PLATINUM buildings ranged from 8 to 21.
Figure 2: Range of the Number of Intelligent Building Technologies found in the analysed Case Studies
certified by LEED
Figure 3 highlights a definitive trend that the buildings that have achieved a better Sustainability
Rating, have a higher number of IBTs used in them.
Figure 3: Average number of Intelligent Building Technologies present in each Rating Category of
Building intelligence and sustainability using leed and breeam in the UK and Europe