Data Collection and Analysis Strategy
2.1 Data Collected Of the 40 buildings selected , 10 were certified by LEED and 30 by BREEAM . A variety of case study buildings were chosen such that the final data set contains a mix of all the possible ratings that are achievable on the LEED and BREEAM rating systems . All of the chosen buildings were commercial ( office , retail , mixed use ) in nature to maintain uniformity in the typology . The buildings were distributed in different countries in the following way : UK ( 22 ), France ( 6 ), Belgium ( 2 ), Poland ( 2 ), Sweden ( 2 ), Germany ( 1 ), Spain ( 1 ), Luxembourg ( 1 ), Greece ( 1 ), Bulgaria ( 1 ) and Romania ( 1 ).
Mainly three kinds of data was collected :
• Type of intelligent building technologies used
• Sustainability score achieved
• Other environmental features used in the buildings that are not intelligent ( to test the internal validity and explain the outliers )
2.2 Analysis Strategy A mixed method research strategy using an embedded case study design was employed . The data collected from the case study buildings was mainly qualitative . All of the case studies were split in groups based on the rating achieved and analysed within these groups as well as inter group so as to observe patterns , make relevant observations and detect any anomalies . The findings were then aggregated across a series of individual case studies so as to strengthen the quality of the research . ( Yin , 2009 ) This qualitative data was then inspected so as to identify the IBTs used and segregate them in the respective sub-categories of intelligent building systems . The IBTs were then enumerated for further statistical analysis . Bivariate Correlation Analysis was carried out first to help determine if the two variables i . e . building intelligence and sustainability are correlated and to ascertain a trend in the pattern . After considering the results from the correlation analysis , as a means of further exploring the complex relationship of the two variables , Regression Analysis and 5-Fold Cross Validation was carried out .
2.3 Example Case Study The Hollywood House in Woking , UK has been awarded the highest ever LEED PLATINUM score in the UK and also has the highest number of IBTs recorded . This particular case study has been chosen as an example to demonstrate the procedure used . The same procedure was followed with the rest of the case studies and each of their IBTs were identified , compartmentalised and enumerated . It is an intelligently refurbished office space that uses less energy & water and reduced its CO2 emissions & operational costs , as compared to before the refurbishment . The refurbished office floors annually use 56 % less electricity than prior to the refurbishment and 46 % less than the energy benchmark for the building . ( Skanska , 2012 ; Hollywood House , 2013 )
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