ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 306
Mass Customisation
Based on the concept of flexibility, all groups proposed housing units that would attend a diversity of family compositions and their life dynamics. The project solutions included renovation, extra
bedrooms or commercial space and options of facade with different colors, materials and design. Despite the limited scale and time, some groups considered the concept and provided mass
custom design options to accommodate the social demographical challenges of social housing
developments (Figure 13).
Figure 13 - Mass customization options presented by Group D
The experience of ZEMCH workshop USP held in São Carlos was successful and contributed to the
introduction of the ZEMCH concept to the social housing Brazilian context, according to climate
conditions of the city. The 5-day workshop program was also very productive.
The first step of the workshop, which consisted in the presentation of theoretical data and software training, was well conducted. However, it would have been better if pre-workshop activities
focused on ZEMCH concept for social housing in the Brazilian context had been included. Another suggestion for future workshops is the introduction of Brazilian Thermal and Energy Efficiency
codes for helping the students to find more appropriate design solutions to the local climate.
The number of constructive systems to be considered in the house design could have been reduced, for a better preparation of in-depth preparatory classes on the constructive systems chosen and more detailed specifications.
The site could have been visited at the end of the first day and some extra time devoted to discussions on the students impressions. Regarding group formation, students with the same supervisor/research subject should not be placed in the same group.
The Function analysis proved important to help and guide the participants to develop the designs in such a short period of time. More time should be reserved for the design development (at
least three entire days) for the obtaining of better solutions to the project and more possibilities
for mass customization.
The authors acknowledge the universities involved in the organization of ZEMCH Workshop USP
2015 for their financial and facility support, as well as their encouragement of students in this new
ZEMCH design education initiative carried out at global levels.
ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy