ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 300
Design development and Energy analysis
The next two days were dedicated to the design development and energy analysis, and the students considered both the mass customization concepts and the main priorities of each group.
They selected a construction system, developed a new master plan and designed solutions to
achieve the ZEMCH concepts. The design development was based on the priorities established by
the FAST Diagram and the scoring matrix. The energy analysis helped the students to achieve the
best solutions with lower building energy consumptions through 3 programs, namely Ecotect,
Hot 2000 and RetScreen, explained in the afternoon of the first day. However, both Brazilian and
Australian students had a short contact with them during the preparation classes.
Ecotect is a Sustainable Building Design Software, which is actually being integrated in the Revit
family. It shows an iterative display where the building can be designed since the early stage, and
several analyses can be performed, including energy and day lighting, among others. It was the
first tool used by the participants for their evaluation of only daylighting and the necessary complement from artificial lighting. Hot2000 was developed by CanmetENERGY, Canada, and used
for the energy consumption calculation. It is based on a steady-state algorithm, which considers
monthly external and internal temperatures are constant. Its input data includes envelope construction and its thermal properties, information about thermal bridges, internal gains, characteristics of heating and cooling systems and building air tightness. RetScreen was also developed
by CanmetENERGY and other collaborators from Canada. It evaluates the energy production and
savings, costs, emission reductions, financial viability and risk for various types of Renewable-energy and Energy-efficient Technologies. However, the focus of its use in the workshop was on the
calculation of the solar panel area for the supply of hot water.
Final presentation finalization
The last day of the workshop included the Design Portfolio Development, with ZEMCH design
finalization and presentation of the material developed during the workshop. Each group prepared a poster and an oral presentation on the ZEMCH proposed for São Carlos, according to
theoretical basis input and function analysis exercises. The poster included the main scope of the
project with details about Site Analysis, Function Analysis and Score Matrix, Design Process, Energy Analysis, and Mass Customization, and other details (Fig. 7). Groups A, B, C and D presented the
scope of the project orally and were evaluated by the tutors from USP and UniMelb.
Final individual presentation
After the workshop, the students were evaluated individually through a final individual presentation to be developed in approximately 40 days. Students from Brazil prepared a Monograph and
presented it orally for the USP tutors. It should concern a subject of interest related to the ZEMCH
design concepts. The students from UniMelb produced a research paper on a subject of their
choice related to the low-incoming social housing developments in Brazilian contexts. The outcomes were assessed locally.
ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy