International Conference | Bari - Lecce , Italy Session IV
Karin Chvatal1 , Kelen Dornelles1 , Bruno Damineli1 , Akemi Ino1 , Lúcia Shimbo1 & Masa Noguchi2
1 Institute of Architecture and Urbanism , University of São Paulo , Brazil , kelend @ sc . usp . br
2 EDBI Research Group , Faculty of Architecture , Building and Planning , The University of Melbourne , Australia , masa . noguchi @ unimelb . edu . au
This paper addresses a discussion on architectural design development methods , mass customization and energy efficiency in the production of housing . More specifically , it evaluates the experience of the Zero Energy Mass Custom Home ( ZEMCH ) Workshop held in 2015 at the University of São Paulo ( USP ), in Brazil . The workshop was organized for the acquisition of enough knowledge in a short period of time ( 5 days ) and obtaining of a zero energy mass custom social home in the Brazilian context . It included five main phases : 1 ) Theoretical Basis , 2 ) Function Analysis , 3 ) Design Development and Energy Analysis , 4 ) Final Presentation Finalization , and 5 ) Final Individual Presentation ( with the development of the final product , i . e ., a zero energy mass custom social home ). They were divided into Pre-workshop , Workshop and Post-workshop activities . Its structure and content are analysed regarding the four final projects and the way the main goals were achieved . Based on the concept of flexibility , all groups proposed housing units that would attend a diversity of family compositions and their life dynamics . The project solutions included renovation , extra bedrooms or commercial space and options of facade with different colours , materials and design . The experience of ZEMCH workshop USP held in São Carlos was successful and contributed to the introduction of the ZEMCH concept to the social housing Brazilian context , according to climate conditions of the city . Suggestions for future ZEMCH Workshops are proposed , so that continuous improvement is guaranteed .
Mass customisation , social housing , zero energy buildings , workshop , design education .