ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 287
Cycle 1 (between Phase 1A and Phase 1B)
Cycle 1 has produced four main outcomes: (a) a set of categories of disruption for tenants, based
on the literature review, (b) 4D models of the Phase 1B, (c) characterization of disruption for tenants from the perspective of stakeholders, and (d) a method for creating what-if scenarios focused on disruption for tenants using 4D BIM.
a. A set of categories of disruption extracted from the literature
A literature review about disruption for tenants was conducted and a set of categories of disruption was identified. Figure 5 summarizes the types of disruption found in the literature review.
Factors affecting end users
Disruption of gas provision: it happens when retrofit
works affect the continuity of gas supply
(Whiteman and Irwig 1988; Wallace 1986)
Disruption of electricity provision: it happens when
retrofit works affect the continuity of electricity supply
(Whitema and Irwig 1988; Wallace 1986)
Disruption of water provision: it happens when retrofit
works affect the continuity of water supply
(Whitemanand Irwig 1988; Wallace 1986)
Disruption of access to the building: it happens when
retrofit works block or limit the access of dwellers in their
(Whiteman and Irwig 1988; Jones 2013)
Disruption of everyday life: it happens when retrofit
works disrupt the daily activities of residents, such as
studying, cooking, taking a nap, etc., because spaces are
being shared between dwellers and workers
(Wallace 1986; Vadodaria 2010; Ho 2009; Haines and Mitchell
2014; Fawcett 2014; Lee 2011)
Move out of home: it happens when retrofit works
induce the dwellers to move out of their homes to avoid any
(Wallace 1986; Vadodaria 2010; Ho 2009; Haines and Mitchell
2014; Fawcett 2014; Lee 2011)
Disruption by noise: it happens when retrofit works
generate different levels of noise pollution provided by the
use of tools such as hammers, mallets, etc.
(Whiteman and Irwig 1988; Miller and Buys 2011; Jones 2009)
Disruption by dirt: it happens when retrofit works generate (Whiteman and Irwig 1988; Miller and Buys 2011)
different levels of physical waste such as dust, debris, etc.
Figure 5: Table with factors affecting end users
b. 4D models of Phase 1B
The first 4D model of houses 44 and 45 in Phase 1B was developed based on a previous schedule
of the retrofit process, on the set of categories of disruption, and on the third version of the 4D
model of House 6 in Phase 1A. For example, the tasks located at the front entrance and at the back
entrance were not scheduled at the same time, in order to maintain access to the households. This
4D model was presented to client, site manager, foreman, designer, and suppliers of insulation of
external wall. Considering the feedback from these stakeholders and the new schedule for Phase
1B, which was devised by the site manager and foreman, the 4D model was updated. The second
version of the model was then developed and will be compared with future models at the end of
this phase.
c. Characterization of disruption for tenants from the perspective of stakeholders
Furthermore, the proposed set of categories of disruption for tenants was submitted to criticism
by a client representative, project manager, site manager, foreman, designer, and suppliers of
insulation of external wall, through a questionnaire which was sent by email. From the question-
Using 4D bim in the retrofit process of social housing