ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 281
International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy
Session IV
Fernanda J. Chaves1, Patrícia Tzortzopoulos2,
Carlos T. Formoso3 & Jeferson Shigaki4
1 NORIE, School of Engineering, University Federal of Rio Grande Sul, Brazil, [email protected]
2 Department of Architecture and 3D Design, School of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Huddersfield,
United Kingdom, [email protected]
3 NORIE, School of Engineering, University Federal of Rio Grande Sul, Brazil, [email protected]
4 NORIE, School of Engineering, University Federal of Rio Grande Sul, Brazil, [email protected]
There is a large stock of solid wall homes in the UK presenting poor thermal insulation and
low energy performance. Although the UK Government has supported improvement efforts
in the area, the identification of appropriate technical solutions that effectively improve the
existing stock remains a challenge. BIM offers opportunities for building performance optimisation, through improved design and simulation. This research investigates how BIM could
improve the retrofit process for social housing. This paper describes a research project looking
into the use of BIM to develop what-if scenarios for retrofitting existing ’no-fines’ solid wall
homes. The scenarios enable the analysis of alternative solutions considering costs, energy
performance and user disruption. More specifically, this paper focuses on the use of 4D models to evaluate disruption for end users. The research process includes simulations, meetings,
interviews, documents, and observations. Results indicate that the development of 4D BIM
models supports a better understanding of the retrofitting process on site, enabling the definition of production processes with as minimal disruption as possible for users, whilst still
delivering energy-oriented and cost effective solutions.
BIM, 4D, retrofit, social housing.