ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 278
For example in the case of two-wing window, the constructor for the class NodoInfisso has the
following list of parameters:
• String nodo_sigla, // alphanumeric code assigned to the node
• int id_tipologia, // id of the selected type
• int id_profilo, //id of the selected profile
• int id_vetro,// id of the selected glazing
• double ue, // transmittance of the edge
• double uf, // transmittance of the side frame
• double ufc, // transmittance of the side frame
• String nodo_img, // name of the 3D preview section image
• String nodo_img_base, // name of the 2D section image
• String nodo_img_flusso // name of the 2D flow image
• The panels of the main GUI are grouped so as to allow you to select items without necessarily
follow a fixed order.
• The event of the mouse click on this button executes the instruction sequence according to
the following order:
• performs the query necessary to retrieve the data of building elements selected (profile frame,
• these data are stored in objects instantiated from classes Profilo_Infisso and Vetro_Infisso;
• depending on the type of the frame selected (one door window or two doors window) it is
retrieved the list of nodes that represent the characteristic sections of calculation for the type
of frames associated;
• the following values are calculated: the overall transmittance Uw of the frame built with the
selected items and the total standard transmittance of the corresponding fixture UwStandard
(current legislation assigns the values of standard width equal to 1230 mm and standard height
of 1480 mm);
• an output window displays processing results.
The object of InfissoCalcolo class calculates the transmission value. In the case of window with
one door , it is used the formula:
While in the case of window with two doors it is taken into account the presence of the middle
frame and its contribution transmittance:
ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy