Is possible also allows a larger view of the profile and of the heat flow to provide better detail understanding of the temperature values obtainable . To make a new search , or if the transmittance values are unsatisfied , you can reselect the main window , leaving open the output window previously generated , and change the combination of one or more elements rerunning “ CALCULATE THE TRANSMISSION ”. In this way , the tool will open a new output window and you can compare the results generated by combinations selected ( Fig . 5 ).
System operation
The tool has been designed using the software LBNL WINDOW and LBNL THERM . It was acquired authorization for the use of such software by asking the acceptance of their license by the user . This option was included in the startup screen of the program . The tool can be downloaded to your computer from the www . padesignsrl . com website . The application was developed in Java and uses the Swing library to create graphical components ( windows , panels , frames , buttons , labels , text boxes etc .) which are used in the GUIs . UpadMain is the class that contains the main method that starts the application and instantiates the class InfoLicenzaJFrame ( which extends the superclass JFrame ) . This class creates a window that displays the text of the license terms and the buttons to accept (“ I Agree ”) or refuse (“ I Disagree ”) such conditions in order to be able to perform or not the application . If you accept the terms , it is instantiated class StartJFrame . This class has the task to display the main program window . The default constructor StartJFrame first initializes the GUI components . Later calls initDatiTabelle that takes care of instantiating the class DBManager . DBManager manages the database containing the data used by the software . A SQLite library is used to integrate a relational database within the application . A SQLite file contains the data of climatic zones , profiles of frames , glasses and the type of fixtures ( Fig . 6 ).
Figure 6 : Profiles _ glasses table data stored in the database ( SQLite file )
274 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce , Italy