ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 265
Figures (Fig.3 and Fig.4)show the disparity in categories between the five systems. LEED, PRS,
JGBG, and SABA consist of seven categories, but BREEAM has ten categories as Management,
Transport, Pollution and Waste are individual categories, while it is grouped under main categories in other systems .In all systems energy efficiency appreciated highly with more than 20%, it is
the major category in LEED, Jordan Green Building Guide, BREEAM and Pearl, while SABA’s major
category is water according to Jordan local contents and priority. With respect to points allocated
for total score; LEED and BREEAM assign 110 points while Jordan Green Building Guide assigns
higher number of (253) points, on the other hand, Pearl and Saba limited the total score with 100
Categories and Weights
Sustainable Sites
The five systems compared varies in the total number of points that allocated, comparison between the systems shows that LEED allocates more than Jordan Guide, BREEAM (PRS) and SABAs.
Furthermore, the coefficient weight of each category is various as well, Sustainable Site in LEED,
Jordan Guide and Saba represented by 23.6%, 12.65%, and 10.3% respectively, while it is 10% in
BREEAM and 9% in Pearl for site selection category. The variation is obvious within this category, this deference between LEED and the other systems related to the individual sub categories
which are grouped under this category in LEED (Fig.3 and Fig.4).
Among the studied systems, SABA assigns the majority to water category, as Jordan suffer from
limitation of water recourses, water represents 27.7% of the total, while it is 24% in Pearls, 15.81%
in Jordan Guide, 9.1% in LEED and 6% in BREEAM. This low reprehensive of water in LEED and
BREEAM reflects the fact that water is not concerned as a major issue in UK and US as in the Middle East where Emirates ranks third in the world in terms of sea desalinated water (Fig.3 and Fig.4).
In all systems, Energy Efficiency occupies the major representativeness, this category represented
in the highest level in Jordan Green Building Guide, LEED, BREEAM and Pearl with 38.73%, 31.9%,
19% and 24% respectively, and it is 23% in Saba as a second major category (Fig.3 and Fig.4).
BREEAM and LEED dedicate almost the same percentage for this category 12.7%, 12.5% respectively and it is higher in Pearls and Jordan Guide with 16%, 14.23 and the lowest in SABA with 10.8%
(Fig.3 and Fig.4).
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
The highest weight for this category could be observed in Pearl with 21% of the total, while LEED,
BREEAM and SABA dedicate different percentages 13.6%, 15% and 11.8% respectively, Jordan Guide
allocates the lowest percentage of 8.70%for (IEO) category (Fig.3 and Fig.4).
The highest percentage for this category assigned in BREEAM with 10%, while it is 5.5% in LEED.
Pearl added this category as a buns category; on the other hand the Jordan Green Building Guide
and SABA didn’t give this category any credit.
An overview of building sustainability rating systems in the Middle East