ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 262
the project as a Pearl Construction Rated project. Pearl Operational Rating ensures the existing
building performance and operates sustainably; it can be achieved only with a minimum occupancy of 80% and two years after construction completion (‘Pearl Operational Rating’ is currently
under development).
The Certification Process starts with appointing Pearl Qualified Professional (PQP) and Registration followed by Preparing and Submitting the application to Urban Planning Center(UPC) or Abu
Dhabi Municipality (ADM) for reviewing. UPC/ADM assessor is appointed to review the project
first for the documents completion, the 2 days process results acceptance of documents or a notification of incompleteness. The PQP is responsible to proceed with documents completion, upon
documents completion, reviewing process by PQP starts; it takes from 5to 15 days (5 for1 pearl and
15 days for 2-5 pearls) (PRS v.1 2011). Finally, the Certification as ‘Notification of Pearl Compliance
(NOPC)’ will be issued as approval of completion with Pearls Design Stage requirements, another
submission for Pearl Stage certification with same procedure is required for construction stage
(Estidama 2010).
Dubai Green Building Guide and Specifications
As an alternative to the Rating System, Dubai Green Building Guide and Regulations is a ‘Regulatory Framework ‘through which to achieve a sustainable city. It is founded in 2011,no ‘credits’ or
‘points’ awarded towards a certification level of achievement. Dubai Municipality obligate all developers, consultants, designers and all industry stakeholders to follow the Green Building Regulations and Specifications as a condition for Building Permit, the implementation of (Regulatory
Framework) will serve the emirate long term goal of having a leadership in building performance
and sustainability. Dubai Practice Guide is organized according to the main categories of sustainable design; Ecology & Planning, Building Vitality, Resource Effectiveness: Energy, Resource
Effectiveness: Water and Resource Effectiveness: Materials & Waste.
Jordan Green Building Guide
The Jordanian Green Building Guide (JGBG) shares other codes the same target of increasing
buildings and resources efficiency, enhancing occ upants’ productivity and reducing environmental impact. The code designed by Ministry of Public Work and Housing (MPWH) and covered most
of building types except factories, warehouses, hospitals and health centers. The green requirements divided in to three types of credits; obligate, mandatory and optional in order to assure
a minimum level of buildings’ sustainability and give the same importance for both design and
construction stages.
The guide depends on the main categories that common between other systems and regulations
with different weight for each category depending on local priorities, these categories are; Building Management, Sustainable Site, Water Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Materials& Resources(Fig.2). The number of points collected for each type of buildings indicates the degree of building
sustainability which is divided into four levels; A, B, C, and D(JGBG 2010).
The number of points required for each level;
• 50-59 Points for level D
• 60-69 Points for level C
• 70-79 Points for level B
• ≥ 80 Points for level A
ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy