ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 260
Comparative Analysis
The sixth mentioned rating systems and regulations are outlined and reviewed from the aspects
of Structure, Categories, Levels and Certification Process. Furthermore, a comparison between
these systems from the mentioned aspects are illustrated and analyzed.
LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environment Design
The environmental assessment system has been administrated by the USGBC since 2000. LEED
(v.3, 2009) is the current version of the LEED and USGBC is working on improving LEED rating
systems in the new version (v.4). The system based on earning points for evaluating on a scale
ranging between two values. LEED consist of set of codes and study guides for Sustainable Buildings Design, and LEED certification is available for all building types including: New Construction
(NC), Existing Buildings(EB): Existing Buildings Operations & Maintenance (EB: O&M), Commercial Interiors (CI), Core & Shell (CS), Schools (SCH), Retail, Healthcare (HC),Homes, Neighborhood
Development (ND). Towards sustainable buildings, LEED design and construction project should
cover the five essential categories; Site Selection (SS), Water Efficiency (WE),Energy & Atmosphere
(EA), Materials &Resources (MR), Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and two additional categories; Innovation in Design (IDO) and Regional Priority (RP)(Fig.2).
LEED certification for New Construction (LEED 2009) (NC) awarded due to the general scale:
• Certified 40–49 points
• Silver 50–59 points
• Gold 60–79 points
• Platinum 80 points and above, within 100 base points, additional credits awarded as;6 for Innovation in Design and Operation (IDO), and 4 Regional Priority (RP) points
According to the USGBC, LEED certificate could be obtained online, where “project teams can
manage project details, complete documentation requirements for LEED credits and prerequisites requirements, upload supporting files, submit applications for review, receive reviewer feedback, and ultimately earn LEED certification” (USGBC 2012).The certification process covering five
stages; determination & preparing application, registration, submission for reviewing, a wait for
the application review and issuing the certification.
BREEAM- Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
BREEAM is developed by Building Research Establishment (BRE) in the United Kingdom (UK), in
1990, ten years before the LEED. BREEAM could be defined as ‘sets the standard for best practice
in sustainable building design, construction and operation’. It also used as ‘Scoring system that is
transparent, flexible, and easy to understand, supported by evidence-based science and research’.
BREEAM codes cover different types of buildings, it is available in (BREEAM New Construction)
which includes; Courts, Healthcare, Data Centers, Education, Industrial, Multi-residential, Offices,
Prisons and Retails. In addition to above categories, there are the following versions; BREEAM
Communities, BREEAM In-Use, BREEAM Eco Homes, BREEAM Refurbishment and Code for Sustainable Homes (BREEAM 2012).BREEAM covers the essential categories through in which sustainable project can be achieved, in addition to more sub-categories: Site Selection & Ecology, Water,
Energy, Materials, Indoor Environmental Quality, Waste, Pollution, Transportation, Management,
Innovation (Additional)(Fig.2).
ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy