Zeit Raum Youth workers against extremism and xenophobia | Page 7

Recommendations to youngsters on how to tackle extremism and xenophobia in local realities Why?: Because often young people are not aware of what’s happening around them. Nowadays less young people are active in the society and many of them believe the social problems can’t affect them (because they are far away from them) Recommendations: 1. Volunteering: we advise young people to volunteer in local activities in order to contribute to the society in which they live. Also, they’ll learn how to react against extremism or xenophobia in order to bring positive change in their society. 2. We recommend youngsters to participate in intercultural activities and mobility programs. Intercultural activities have the aim to include diverse social groups in the intercultural societies. Furthermore, mobility programs give young people an opportunity to study, work or attend seminars in different countries. Programs such as Erasmus+, EVS, internships, workcamps will give new experiences in the international environment. 3. Support, guide, and develop a dialogue between young people with different backgrounds. Who? Miriam García, Ch ristina Tziotziou, Eirini Panagiotou, Miguel Ferreira, Antonella Di Matteo, Daniele Montalbano, Rima Kabakebbji The project is financed by Erasmus + Programme and Austrian National Agency(Jugend in Aktion 2014-2020)