Zeit Raum Youth workers against extremism and xenophobia | Page 2

Description of the TC The European Union is not only a political Union but also it is a cradle of various universal human values. Among them are Tolerance, Understanding and Multiculturalism, in other words, the values that unite different and multicultural European societies. Meanwhile, recent years Europe faced an enormous flow of refugees from Southern and Eastern borders. While several countries mobilized resources to support and welcome people, who lost everything but hope in their motherlands, EU residents witness also calls for extremist actions by marginalized political powers. In European nowadays reality we see the polarization of the societies. As a result of active right-wing politicians' propaganda and the Refugee crisis in European countries, more and more people become open for ideas of Extremism and Xenophobia as a fast solution to all problems. Marginalized political powers use refugees, migrants, and Muslims as the main target to blame for all economic and security difficulties that Europeans have to face today. Those separations of "us" and "others" also lead to the seclusion of refugees, migrants as well as religious and ethnic minorities, who feel not welcomed by European societies. And this also provokes them to seclusion instead of integration. This challenging tendency can lead to the confrontation between different societies and can have unpredicted and heavy causalities in future.