Zeit Raum Integration through EVS | Page 3

to re-explore the concept of EVS and its philosophy to get advanced knowledge about EVS structure to explore the local communities' needs for future EVS projects to establish good and trustful atmosphere for future partnerships to develop EVS projects for the integration of youngsters with fewer opportunities In long lasting perspectives, The PBA clearly links to one of Erasmus+ Programme objectives, as it contributes to the achievement of overall objectives of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010- 2018). Particularly PBA contributes the achievement of the second objective of Youth cooperation framework (2010- 2018) that is "to encourage young people to actively participate in society". Project applicant team is sure that the selection of Key action 1; Mobility for Youth Workers-Partner Countries as project format will serve at its best, giving opportunity the partner promoters from EU and Neighboring countries exchange information, experience, develop ideas and implement projects promoting active participation. The project took place in Drobollach (Austria) during March 28-April 05, 2018. At first, the participants got to know each other. They had guests from Erasmus+ regional office Carinthia after team-building activities were followed. 3