zawi Mar.2014 | Page 5

Water Stories The Federal Foreign Office’s main implementation partners are the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the German Research Centre for Geosciences as a coordinator of the regional research network Central Asian Water (CAWa) and the German-Kazakh University in Almaty. Since 2012, a new dimension has complemented the activities of the Berlin Process: the project “De-polemicizing national discourses through regional cooperation of journalists” is being run by n-ost, the German Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe, and aims to raise awareness about water problems. Sometimes the perspectives of other riparian states are not reflected in Central Asian media outlets, although an understanding of the interests and needs of neighbouring countries is pivotal. In addition, environmental issues as such are often underrepresented in the media. n-ost brought together journalists from all five Central Asian countries and Afghanistan for joint workshops and analysis, resulting in the articles published here. This is an important component of our activities. The participants of this project crossed boundaries just like water crosses boundaries. They learned to see “their” river through their neighbours’ eyes. They will bring these new perspectives into their future reports for the media of their home countries, thereby spreading their experience. I thank all the participants and the organizers at n-ost for their engagement. This compilation of articles presents the result of the project, a collection of different and maybe sometimes challenging opinions and assessments of the water situation in Central Asia. We hope that it will stimulate a constructive discussion among readers in Central Asia as well as in Europe. Dr Hinrich Thölken Head of Division International Climate and Environmental Policy Sustainable Economy Federal Foreign Office Foreword