Zasqua Journal no. 1 | Page 3

Editor’s note The Science Department and Zasqua are proud to present the first issue (hopefully of many!) of our scientific journal. Our goal is to communicate and share with CLN the work of our students. In this issue we present seven scientific articles written by 4th graders, along with illustrations made by them as well. This year we have focused on taking the classroom to the real world. We have worked with forces, matter and even investigated about the ecosystems of Colombia. During the last part of our year we spent our time studying animals and their adaptations focussing especially on birds. We learned that according to fossil records and other fields of study, birds are believed to be the modern descendants of dinosaurs. We investigated and learned about the different adaptations birds have developed, to be able to perform the energetically demanding activity of flight. Some of these adaptations which are mainly changes in their body structures have shown us the great ability of nature to adapt to change. Having been introduced to the fantastic world of birds we decided to venture into experimenting about their likes and dislikes referring to their eating habits. For more than a month we researched and designed experiments which would lead us to answer questions that inspired our curiosity. After encountering some difficulties and setbacks, we were able to complete our research and make conclusions about birds and their behaviour. However, throughout this process we learned not only about birds, but how to work as teams and understood that scientific research does not always go as planned. We realized that reformulating questions and rethinking our approaches is important to achieve a successful investigation. If you want to know more about our experiments or our experience do not doubt to contact us, we will be eager to respond! Thank you very much and we hope you enjoy! Sara Gutiérrez Zasqua Jounal 2017 / 3