ZAFTIG 1 Dominance | Page 2

1 Issue DOMINANCE contributors jacob sanders cover, p3, p6 andy evans p4-5 jason melton p6-7 pui yan fong p8 2 “Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before.” -Kurt Vonnegut SO FIRSTLY, thank you for taking a look at this. Thanks to all the contributors. They’re really the main reason for the creation of Zaftig. I wanted to showcase their work, and create an environment to allow for us all to express ourselves. All of the contributors have their own venues for their work, but Zaftig serves as a sort of playground for artists and writers. And this thing exists to (hopefully) create a positive, upward spiral into greatness, connecting talented people along the way. So here’s how the zine will work: all work is based on a theme each month. And all of the contributors interpret the theme from that point. A bit about Dominance. It’s something that comes to mind a lot, especially in social interaction. To me, it seems to be the opposition of love and acceptance. I catch myself some times participating in ‘the game’ : Talking down to someone, acting like a person of some importance or authority, basically being something I’m not. I try not to, but it happends. Mostly I catch myself when I’m the person receiving this treatment, after which I either metaphorically eat out of their hands or become overwhelmingly defensive. It depends how well someone is playing the game. I’ve noticed dominance peek its creepy, heated face in some way into my friendships, career, hobbies, and even my own inner dialogue. But dominance is an element in human existance that has heightened our way of life. It’s necessary, it’s progress... It’s an interesting topic, and it, of course, can be interpreted in different ways. So I gave each contributor the theme and let them go from there. I’m very pleased with what was created, and here it is. Jacob Sanders 3