YWCA Adelaide Annual Report 2013-14 | Page 30

ABORIGINAL WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP PROGRAM The “Yarning Group” designed and implemented a program name and logo in the consultation stage. The program was branded “Kangaroos and Emus” and the logo was representative of participant’s notion of leadership. “The yellow centre represents the community. The red heart represents us all as strong women and the core heart of our business. The emu, kangaroo and human tracks leading outwards represents the notion that leadership is about moving forward and not backwards.” Thanks to Program Coordinator Lisa Warner for her hard work and dedication this year. Lisa came on board in November 2013 and has taken the program from strength to strength in a very short period of time which is a testament to her commitment to the program and to the development of leadership in Aboriginal women. The Aboriginal Women’s Leadership Program (Kangaroos and Emus) is funded by the Department for Prime Minister and Cabinet through the Indigenous Capacity and Development program.