Having started eating sushi at 4 years old, Susan Wong’s journey has since led her to Kenya
where she has grown fond of a few restaurants that satisfy her seasoned sushi palate.
My sushi journey began when I was
4-years-old. I remember walking
home from school along a tree-lined
avenue with my Japanese friend
and neighbour, Kentaro, with my
mom trailing behind. Kentaro and I
were always hungry; it seemed like
we both had the same metabolisms –
no matter how much we ate, we were
always ready for more half-an-hour
Both our Asian mom’s resorted to
blaming a non-existent parasite
because they could not understand
why their home-cooking, which often
involved delicacies from farfetched
corners of the world, wasn’t enough.
That was when I knew I loved food:
I had a voracious passion that
matched the size of my appetite.
After-school snacks usually featured
healthy and hearty options. My
favourite were these savoury brown
pillows of sushi rice tucked away in