Happy Diners:
Gizani seeks to introduce a
positive and dynamic notion
of blindness that could lead
to inclusion and empowerment. It will be a totally
exhilarating experience that
may have you laughing at
yourself, connecting more
intimately with those around
you and surprise you in ways
you never thought possible.
Surprise Menu:
You will probably give up
trying to use cutlery the first
time, and that’s okay. Diners
are not actually told what’s
on the menu beforehand (but
they will confirm if you have
any allergies) and relying on
your other senses to guess
what’s on your plate is part
of the intrigue.
Entering Gizani:
With everyone placing their
left hand on the shoulder of
the person in front, diners
are then guided into the
pitch black room by the well
trained visually impaired
staff who seat you at your
table and ensure that you
are calm as you adjust to this
new state.