Yummy Magazine Vol 8 - Proudly Kenyan | Page 6

FEEDBACK DEAR YUMMY Stand the chance to win a lunch for two at the hottest new restaurants in town - Sankara’s Graze Steakhouse. All you need to do is let us know what you think of Yummy and how we can improve the magazine. Simply drop us an email to [email protected] or tweet us @eatoutkenya We get a lot of emails pouring in each week. Here is this month’s favourite: I was recently in Nairobi and picked up a free copy of Yummy. I now download each month’s issue to my iPad. Could we see more features outside Nairobi especially the Coast. Can’t wait for a Yummy for Uganda as well? Now that would be interesting. -ANGIE K. MUGIZI, KAMPALA. Hi Angie, Thank you for your feedback and be sure to keep reading. We are now available to download on Joomag & Issuu. A good place to look to get your foodie fix outside Nairobi is on our blog, yummy.co.ke. We will keep putting updates up! EatOut will also be expanding its rea