Yummy Magazine Vol 7 - Yummy Mummy | Page 43

COCKTAILS nts Ingredie ons of Tablespo 2 de Cassis Crème 2/3 Cup pagne of Cham ns ke Directio sy-to-ma other ea An refreshdibly and incre . Simply pour cocktail ing is into e de Cass the Crèm nd slowly pour a your glass over the top. ne champag ir Royale K ients n Juice Ingred Fresh Lemo p 1/4 Cu Sugar s of /4 Cup liliter) Bottle 1 il M 2 (750 rosecco P ies hilled sh Raspberr Lemon Rind C up Fre n of Grated 1C spoo 1 Table n o a pa t ice int a ions mon ju duce the he Direct ugar and le il. Re stir te, bo es Put th g them to a or one minu he rind f t nd brin er together lves. Stir in ix a simm disso the m and ugar train ll the s vernight. S garnish with until a chill o ecco, en ros and th bine with p nd com s. a rrie raspbe SHE’S ROYAL on, mel ater . ts w n ved bed edie Ingr ps of cu ds remo Sugar 6 Cu the see ulated hly n s ine with up Gra of Fre ce te W /4 C espoon on Jui et Whi 1 bl em we 1 Ta ezed L cato S e os Squ p of M nd e ar a h 1 Cu , sug train t tly lon S ons aterme ooth. an, gen cti Dire d the w until sm king p he mix en juice to a ba eze t Bl to x in Fre i on ally lem nd put scato. casion the m ix a he Mo ing oc When it’s m g. cy tirr in t stir ours, s l freezin nsisten h -3 ota shy co t 2 ent slu prev mes a e! v o bec y to ser ad re Raspbe rry Lemon Prosecc o This Mother’s Day make sure to enjoy a light refreshing cocktail that helps to make the month of May one of the best of the year! Don’t miss out on these yummy favorites! Wat Mosc ermelon ato S lush 43.