Alex Roberts
Not a staple and not widely known.
Those who drink it become instantly
addicted and spread the word: this
crazy funky, colorful, unique drink/
dessert called Bubble Tea is the grab
and drink kind of accessory anyone
who knows anything about funky
new food is on.
Never heard of Bubble Tea? Well
here is how it works: small chewy
‘pearls’ called Tapioca which release
flavor as you bite into them, are
added to nearly any combination
of tea, iced tea, or fruit flavored
cream drinks. The mix and match
possibilities are endless. Some of
the most popular flavours include
mango, passionfruit and strawberry,
although none of them can hold a
candle to the most popular of all
worldwide Bubble Tea flavors, honey
Flat out delicious, and memorable
in every sip, this thirst-quencher
drink/dessert is the science
experiment of the dessert world,
constantly putting new and insane
spins onto this modern classic. The
tapioca pearls of old have molded
and changed into a smorgasbord,
with the “bubbles” now being made
up of different teas, fruit flavored
jellys and even coconut. These crazy
dots now come in a rainbow, with
dozens of colors available.
Available at Boba at the Thika
Road Mall, Bubble Tea started in
the 1980’s in Taiwan and is rapidly
expanding worldwide, converting
skeptics in its wake.
If you are inclined to chill at home,
but can’t possibly resist the urge of
the incomparable Bubble Tea, there
may yet be hope. This little drink can
in fact be made from home. Simply
order up some of the Bubble Tea
“Pearls” online and as soon as they
are delivered you can go to town.
The process is less alchemy and
more practicality than the name
suggests. To make Bubble Tea
sing, all you have to do is simply
add in the pearls to boiling water,
add tapioca mix and let boil for
15 minutes. You then drain them,
cover with brown sugar syrup and
you’re set. Start making your own
combinations that will stretch the
imaginations of your now jealous
in-laws. Bubble Tea is a guaranteed
hit at a party, it looks much more
complicated than it is.
So for a drink that’s crazy, unique,
out-there and utterly delicious, be
sure to try Bubble Tea, however be
forewarned, once drank it’s hard to
Flat out delicious
and memorable in
every sip, this thirstquencher drink/
dessert, is the science
experiment of the
dessert world.