Yummy Magazine Vol 4 - Nairobi Restaurant Week 2015 | Page 8

content 11 SociAL SCENE 15 MY LIFE AS A FOODIE If a picture tells a thousand words, then these images prove that Kenyans really know how to rock a New Year’s party. Although Charity Keita does not do New Year’s resolutions, she is eager to stay light in the run-up to the upcoming NRW gastro-tour. 34 SUSAN EATS 19 It’s not easy being a food critic. Susan Wong describes the journey writing about Nairobi restaurants has taken her. 42 KAHAWA DIARIES Jeremy Block, Chairman of the Dormans coffee chain, wasn’t born a coffee connoisseur. He certainly is one now. NAIROBI RESTAURANT WEEK (NRW) 53 WINE CHICK Everything you need to know about the hottest foodie week on your social calendar The lexicon of wine and women is surprisingly similar. What does this say of the men that created it? 54 WELLNESS Amy Selbach knows that a good year starts with getting rid of the old and ushering in the new. 55 WINE PICKS Understanding the wines that you dine with and when they’re best consumed. 58 MIXOLOGY When you live your life to the maximum, Magnum cocktails are the only way to go. 45 COOKING WITH LOVE Valentine’s doesn’t have to be about expensive meals in exclusive restaurants. Show how much you ca ɔ