Yummy Magazine Vol 2 - The Seafood Issue | Page 29

TEXT MARYANNE NJOROGE SPILLING THE BEANS “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” -T. S. Eliot, American playwright and poet Two hours have evaporated by, I’m on to my fourth espresso and my Word document is as blank as the over-caffeinated face that’s staring into it. I hear humming car engines in the Village Market parking lot outside, yet with the slight breeze coming in through the window, I find it soothing. It’s the domestic witching hour: when moms, muddied sons and grey-suited men come flushing in and out of Nakumatt, each carrying their respective wares: kitchen towel, half-eaten chocolate bars and 3 bottles of dry red wine. I’m procrastinating… God bless the person who invented a space where aimless souls can sit for hours playing Candy Crush and still look like they’re doing meaningful work. This particular coffee shelter has a cozy lounge-like area: cushiony couches huddled around low tables, with a mounted set of shelves taking the place of a could-have-also-been large painting on a wall. On these shelves are rows and rows of books—many dog-eared and weathered, some fresh—that lean on each other like friends posing for an Instagram selfie. I get up and finger through this mound of literature: ‘Gardening 101’, ‘A Critical Analysis of Shakespearean Poetry’, ‘Be The BEST You’, and… OUCH!! I’ve nudged an enormous publication off its edge and watched, helplessly, as it planted its gargantuan self onto my left pinky toe. What is this damn thing anyway? I peel it away from my throbbing digit, and limp back over to my table. I flip the book on either side a few times and scan its large spine, trying to understand why there is no title. Strange… Paging through it quickly, my nostrils are filled with dust. I’m sneezing uncontrollably but I’m hardly bothered, something much bigger is gripping my attention in these pages. I lift my face up from the book and hastily look around the room seeking reassurance for what I’ve just read. But in the friendly catch-up chatter, quiet magazine-reading faces, and asynchronous keyboard tapping, I find none. So I reach for my neglected coffee and take a fierce gulp as if hoping the drink will agree that I’m not crazy. But even before I finish swallowing, I’m already back reading. I can’t help it. What I’ve just found is both intriguing and completely unbelievable… To be continued… 29.