Sixty Three Wine Shop
Nyawira—who still works part-time
as a Civil Engineer—was first introduced to wine 10 years ago when
she worked with Emirates Airlines.
Nowadays, she’s the proud owner of
her very own wine shop.
Julie Smith
Le Decanter
Having grown up in a family of
restaurateurs, Julie remembers the
times she would accompany her father to buy wine for his restaurants.
Prior to living in Nairobi her and her
husband ran hotels in Zanzibar.
Soraiya Meghji
The Wine Shop
Soraiya worked as an Environmental
Economist for 10 years at the United
Nations. However, she had always
been exposed to the wine distribution world as her family have been in
the industry in Uganda for 20 years.
Meera Karia
Viva Productline
Meera is a true stalwart at Viva
Productline. Having worked at the
beverage company for 10 years, from
when they distributed water and energy drinks to the point where they
introduced wine and spirits.
Dry or sweet?
Dry dry dry!
Dry or sweet?
Depends on the occasion and the
mood…I can easily have a late harvest wine as