Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 64

Mishnayos for Yud Shevat
Mishnayos for Yud Shevat
mixture of water and ashes of a Parah Adumah , Rabbi Eliezer says , there should be two sprinklings instead of one , but the Chachomim say it ' s invalid . If dew dropped into it , Rabbi Eliezer says , it should be put in the sunlight and the dew will rise up from it , but the Chachomim say the water in the flask is invalid . If liquid or fruit juice fell into it , it all must be poured out and the flask must be dried . If ink , Kumus , Kankantom ( ingredients to make ink and shoe polish ) or anything that leaves a mark fell into it , it all must be poured out but the flask does not need to be dried .


If a barrel broke , we may save from it enough food for three meals and one may say to others , " come and save for yourselves ," as
, x�nF` x�f ¤ ri ¦ l�` i ¦ A�x , o�d�W l¨M mi�n¨k�g�e . zFi�G�d i�Y�W d�G�i i ¦ A�x , l�h D¨kFz § l c�x�i . oi ¦ l�qFR d�O�g © A d�P�gi�P�i , x�nF` x�f ¤ ri ¦ l�` . oi ¦ l�qFR mi�n¨k�g�e . d ¤ lFr l�H�d�e , zFx ¥ t i�nE oi�w�W�n D¨kFz § l l © t�p , qFnFw , Fi�C . a�B�p § l Ki�x¨v�e d�x¨r�i
`Ed�W xä�C l¨k�e , mFY�p�w�p�w�e Ki�x¨v Fpi�`�e d�x¨r�i , m�WFx : a�B�p l§

g ze` ak wxt zay zkqn

oi ¦ li ¦ S�n , d�x § A�W�P�W zi ¦ a�g , zFC ª r�q Wl�W oFf�n d�P�ni�d
Basi Chapters Legani of Advanced Mishnayos