Yud Shvat Hachana Booklet 5777 | Page 109

To Live and To Learn

bringing the Geulah closer ), since the Geulah depends on the spreading of Chassidus . If the Rebbe will accept the Nessius and teach Chassidus , it will draw the Geulah closer !” The Rebbe said , “ Yes , but you have to help me !”
Afterwards , many of the elder Chassidim announced in Shul that all Anash should write a Pan to the Friediker Rebbe . In it they should request that the Friediker Rebbe should cause the Rebbe to want to accept the crown of Nessius of Chabad completely , in a revealed manner . Also , that the Nessius should be a total success !
This Pidyon Nefesh was read aloud at the Ohel . Then it was given to the Rebbe . At first the Rebbe refused to read it , but then he began to read it with great emotion . Tears could be seen coming from the Rebbe ’ s eyes . The Rebbe was at the Ohel for a very long time and finally returned from the Ohel to Crown Heights just before Sh ’ kiah .
As everyone had been at the Ohel the whole day without eating , they hurriedly ate after Mincha . Everyone then rushed to get a place for the Farbrengen . After Maariv , the
Farbrengen was officially called for 8:00 pm . At 8:45 the Rebbe left his mother ’ s house and made his way towards 770 . Throughout the evening the crowd streamed into the Beis Hamedrash in order to participate in this Farbrengen of the Kabolas Hanessius . The Beis Hamedrash was packed . The pushing cannot be described , as a crowd of over 800 people tried to enter the Beis Hamedrash which itself wasn ’ t very large .
To Live & Learn