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Next to the stand we played the lucky wheel where the smiley, motivated and energetic volunteers were inviting people, playing with them, sharing their EVS experience, answering their questions and the most important, gave them the symbolic gifts from our ‘’present box’’.

Another part of our activities was the ‘’walking questions’’ and Instagram Frame. Some of our volunteers were walking with the frame and kindly asked people to take pictures with it to support our initiative; meanwhile we shared with them our Erasmus+ experience, short info about the programme and different mobilities.

In the middle of our Public event we danced our Flash Mob dance to make the event more colourful and energetic.

Despite the fact that were not so many young people in Gorna Oryahovitsa, in the end we think our initiative implemented successfully there, as we met couple of young people and informed them about their possibilities to participate in Erasmus+ activities. Their support and interest towards our project gave our Caravan the perfect start and great motivation to keep moving to our next destinations.