Youtrain Video Manual Youtrain Manual EBOOK | Page 52

Support As we described above, you may find support in other people. You only have to ask and check different competences of friends, colleagues, participants and other people that may be close to you. If you try to film and present it to people to obtain feedback, other people may join and provide you more support. Maybe even you will find ways to be funded or to have a sponsor. Besides that, you may find support in other channels: Our Facebook group! feel free to post your videos there - it is a learning space and great community to start with. Contact us by email: [email protected] Our YouTube channel, on the comments section... We are glad to answer your questions and to support you further in creating your own video tutorials. If you have other ideas of possible support groups, channels or even materials that can be used, please also contact us or post it in the channels and groups mentioned above. 52