Youtrain Video Manual Youtrain Manual EBOOK | Page 34

What to do with all the footage? Although about the process of editing the video we will discuss in the next chapter, here we want to finish the story of “Mission Impossible”. After having all the footage, please do not forget to back up.. You don’t want to be in the Reinout situation! BACKUP ALL THE FOOTAGE! Anyway after dealing with that (we just re-recorded) our video crew started putting things together and presented to us the first draft. Having this we started to collect important feedback from our team but as well from different target groups: trainers, youth workers, teachers, all interested in education that helped us to come with possible changes and improvements. We got mostly quite positive and excited feedback, but we realised as well that there were many opinions and some things were not possible for us to change (that would need re-filming) but we could always add certain information to TSOs, using voice-over to tackle missing points or have as lessons learnt for next project. Nevertheless we share with you the template for the feedback form we were using that was quite helpful to collect feedback 34