Youtrain Video Manual Youtrain Manual EBOOK | Page 26

Lessons learnt from the video Filming outside of a ‘fixed set’ As you may have noticed, some things happened during the filming of this video. People passing on the background in kayak, a guy talking on the phone, a bell ringing, etc. That is part of the process when you film outside: many unexpected or unwanted things can happen. We left some things on purpose so you can see the process. Others were corrected and you do not see it on the final edition. Did you notice any other things that are good to mention and could be corrected? Conclusion As Reinout said he has years of experience in working on video producing and he still makes mistakes. We are all humans and will keep making mistakes, so don’t worry about it. Also, this project was a unique experience that made us learn a lot by doing it and each situation and video tutorial that you will film will be one of a kind. You will find different venues, different people, different obstacles, etc. What matters is that you do it, learn from it and be proud of your final results. 26