YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 57

Cu ika ht Co ure tate in Southble Clapham Park Es ld consisted of of the options that were availat th wor s f irs Thinking that hee had a limited idea until he made hi n London, Step ung man growing up. It wasn’t realise that there was he to him as a yo his area at the age of 17 did trip outside of 4! an SW rter, so much more th a fo himself thcar expo ’t ssful ornd rhappy at couldnnobe Now a succe ted a w ld s crea ock and with Stephen ha his humble days on the bl further from his name.... qualif ications to Stephen Hassan Richard Weekes Chess Academy teaching children chess Tel: 07538 035896 Email: [email protected] Web: Twitter: @chessfiremonkey @chessbootcamp where excellence is the standard &Life Skills Training Personal Development & Specialist Workshops & Mentoring Seminars Coaching Tony Harrison QK Consultancy – for all your training needs t: +44 (0) 208 244 4258 m: +44 (0) 7947 911 982 e: [email protected] w: QK Consultancy Ltd @QKConsultancy QK Consultancy Ltd QK Consultancy – for all your training needs