YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 42

When someone says that they are playing a game what would you think they were talking about? X-Box or Playstation? Cricket or football maybe? Or what about chess? So much more than just moving figures around a board, Chess can improve your reading, language and mathematical ability. You may find that you get better at making decisions, become more patient and have a sharper memory too. People have also found that they are able to communicate better, The age old game of chess is have more confidence and self-esteem. very popular in certain countries, Seems like Chess is a game for those who and in the UK the number of people want to have a champion’s mindset! who are playing it is also increasing. So how can you learn to play Chess? Chess is a universally fun game that anyone can play and equally challenges the minds of both girls and boys. It teaches people how to win and lose gracefully with good sportsmanship attitudes too. Playing chess can help you to develop the soft skills that you will need to get through school, college, work and even relationships! The Richard Weekes Chess Academy operates at the moment in London and Kent. Richard is passionate about chess and decided to provide lessons for children and young people on how to play the game and to promote it as a social activity. Chess is a powerful educational tool that can motivate people to learn and can play an important role in educational, social and personal development. Richard believes that “Chess is a game children (of any age – and yes, big children too!) can play most of their life, and it gives them a sense of achievement. Through playing Chess, children learn many skills and techniques that help them to take responsibility for their actions. The Chess knowledge they receive will stay with them and empower them to succeed in whatever they choose to do.” Using chess as a learning tool to strengthen your mind is one of the best games there is for developing logical and precise thinking. It’s also fairly easy to learn. There is clear evidence to show that children who play chess perform better in school; have improved calculating ability; are more imaginative, creative and self-motivated. That’s why Richard believes learning and playing chess makes a real difference to each child’s life and this gives him lots of opportunities when teaching, to help shape their attitudes to learning and their mindset too. If you’re interested in learning to play the game you can con ???I?????????)??????????????????????????????Q??????????????????????)Q??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????() ?????)????()]???e?()I??????]?????()????() ??????????)?????????????????????())???? ???? ??????1?????)!????)???? ????)!????!???? ????? ????)!????5????1?????!????!????M??()]????????((???????L??????((???????L??????((???????L??????()?????)???? ????)?????A??? ????? ?????)Q??????????? ?????)??????I??????????M?()I???????e???? ????) ???? ??)1????????????)!???????9\??)?????()Q?????()Q???????((???????L??????() ???????????)???? ????)????? ???????? ????(??I??????I?????A???????M??()9?????!????)???? ????)M?!?????e? ????) ???????I????? ?????A???M?()M???????((???????L??????()Q????????????????)?????????????????????????????)]?????????????????????????????????)Q???????????????????????????????(??()e???A????U,((0