YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 33

Natasha Benjamin speaks very openly to YouthPhoriaUK© about her abusive childhood and how she has sought to free herself from this trauma. There are details at the end of the article if you would like to get in touch with her if you’re affected by any of the issues spoken about. “As a young girl I witnessed and experienced the most acute violence against my mother and I, at the hands of my stepfather. This had a traumatic impact on my developing years, through teen to adult years. I felt that I was both the guilty and innocent party. Guilty, that in some unknown way it was my fault but then innocent because I hadn’t asked for it to happen. A few weeks passed with me writing every day; I was learning to channel my feelings and emotions into a place that was safe. During this time, an incident occurred with a close friend where I could sense that they just wanted me to ‘snap out of it’ and they thought that I was playing the ‘victim’ to get attention. The blog gave me a different perspective. I was able to look at my life from the outside in and use it whenever I felt the need to release the things that were going around my head. I was never a good speaker or talker (so I believed) but I found that writing really helped and was naturally very comfortable for me. This led to me having another horrid panic attack and I decided that I’d had enough of being misunderstood and that other people needed to understand just what I was going through. The struggles I was having with my feelings; the everyday darkness I was in. I wanted their compassion, not their pity. As time went on, my blog received more and more followers some of whom commented that they would like to be able to write to express their feelings, but didn’t know where to start. Hearing this, I created a Facebook page and a closed group to support individuals who had or were experiencing mental health issues and/or domestic violence. I encouraged them to start writing creatively and free their minds. I emailed the link of my blog to all my friends and family, hoping they would read it and finally get it. I was overwhelmed by Trying to always make sense of the suffering the support I received; the messages telling Now I have over 10,000 followers across me how brave I was and how well I’d my blog and social media sites and I’ve I encountered due to domestic violence registered Free Your Mind as a company brought about issues with my mental health. managed to hide so much. Another friend with the aim of creating a supportive comtold me she’d cried reading it because she I dealt with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; munity to help people rebuild their sense of really had no idea that things were as bad then experienced panic attacks and depression. self through writing their own story.” as they were. Unfortunately, I did not know this until early last year. Up until then I just thought that I If you’d like to get in touch with Natasha and Free Your Mind: was an over-thinker, a bit paranoid and odd. Strangely it seemed perfectly normal for Web: Facebook: Free Your Mind cic me to be like this, but it affected everything Closed Group: around me from relationships, to friendships and employment. Twitter: @Freeyourmindcic Instagram: Freeyourmindcic Blog: Natasha Benjamin Through the pain – My journey to f inding me I encouraged them to start writing creatively But then I hit rock bottom. I stopped communicating with people and began to completely isolate myself. Locked off in my own little world, I began to find mental space and comfort in writing out my thoughts in a diary. This then became a blog called ‘Free Your Mind - Pain to Peace’. My journey to finding me had started. YouthPhoriaUK 33