YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 24

A woman Ebony with heart Torrington Ebony Torrington was just 20 when she hosted her first charity event for her not-for-profit faith-based organisation ‘Hope Restored’ The event was based around teenage pregnancy and also the factors that may have caused this issue to be so common in modern society e.g. peer pressure, insecurities, broken homes etc. Ebony is involved in quite a few projects at the moment that all aim to ‘restore hope’. My dad Arthur Torrington C.B.E is one of many who inspire me. He has always had a plan, an advocate for racial equality and social justice in Britain. He was awarded the C.B.E by the Queen for his work in Black British heritage. As his daughter I have witnessed his work ethic; studying his interest in black history, organising/hosting educational events, facing challenges and overcoming them practically. From observation and the conversations I’ve had with him I know that nothing in life comes easy, especially the goals in life we wish to accomplish. However, with hard work, persistence and the right attitude you will succeed in fulfilling your goals. what helps artists advance in their craft e.g. write poetry books, record music albums and perform in prestigious venues giving the audience practical advice on how to pursue their own creative goals. I am also a part of a theatre group called ‘The Hidden Hearts Company’. We present plays that deal with socially hidden and issues that are often ignored in many cultures in society such as rape, prostitution, substance abuse, In Britain I find the media present young people predominately in the context of education, sport or crime. The media gives more coverage to young people who are academic higher achievers or athletes representing the country. However I believe the media should give more coverage to the young people who are pursuing other ventures like; catering, art, craft, fashion or music businesses, motivational workshops or other new initiates that are improving society. Those young people who may not be always be the academic A* student can be quickly classed as trouble makers or future menaces to society. Many young people feel discouraged and neglected because they may not fit into the ‘perfect student’ role. Therefore, they seek other paths of identity which may not be positive. Every individual from each generation needs role models to inspire them. Role models are a source of information on how to practically pursue goals and overcome challenges.” “As a community worker I do not feel that there is only one way to inspire or challenge someone to be the best they can be. Through community projects in music, acting, working in the media, presenting & hosting Charity and music events, facilitating singing and song writing workshops, I have been able to inspire and spread hope. Currently, I am the presenter for ??????)e??Q?????????????????A=Q??????+?a ?????5?????d??????????@????????