YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 22

Your host for the launch event ChrisMaking dreams a reality Preddie OBE Christopher Preddie born and bred in North London. At the age of 17 he was given his first taste of stardom by getting up on stage as a spoken word poet and receiving the Champion’s title of the 2006 Londonwide Youth Slam championship, awarded by Keep moving forward Ken Livingstone, then Mayor of London. Whilst continuing to maintain his position at WAC University for four years and receiving a diploma in the Performing Arts, Chris began to come into his own by participating in many art forms on his journey including dance, ballet, acting, music as well as performing in many UK dramas and plays. In 2007 Chris was called upon by Crime Stoppers to join their team. For three intensive years, he worked to educate and guide young people on the nature of society and how to keep moving forward and stay out of trouble, immediately building a rapport and advising on knife and gun crime, snitching and the impact of these decisions on our futures. After getting a taste for paving a positive path for the young generations, he founded If you would like Chris to deliver a workshop at your school, college or youth organisation, contact him via: Web: Email: [email protected] Tel: 07951 503 094 @teammdr / @chrispreddie his company MDR – Make Dreams A Reality. In 2010, after building on his experience of working with children, Chris began to approach schools, prisons and youth projects with a view to educating both young and old through poetry, creative writing, inspirational speaking, knife and gun crime workshops, gang discussions, anti-bullying techniques, mentoring and SLAM DUNK! A decade of lyrical shooting SLAMbassadors UK is a national youth slam* for 12-18 year olds which has now been running for over a decade  – that’s more than ten years of exhilarating live events, showcasing of new talent, professional development for contestants, and the involvement of participants across a wide spectrum of faiths, backgrounds and abilities. SLAMbassadors UK continue to aim to involve as many young people as possible in reading, writing, and performing poetry. * ‘Slam’ is the competitive art of performance poetry before a loud and lively audience For more information, visit: 22 YouthPhoriaUK pretty much whatever else the audience before him would suggest. In February 2012, Chris was congratulated by the Queen, who awarded him an OBE at the tender age of 25 for his outstanding dedication and work for his community.