YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 19

A (very) young man with a plan! At just 6 years old, Joshua Beckford started taking classes at Oxford University and now dreams of becoming a neurosurgeon. This young man knows exactly what he wants from life. At just 6 years old Joshua Beckford started taking classes at Oxford University and now dreams of becoming a neurosurgeon. This young man knows exactly what he wants from life. Not many children in pre-school know what they want to be when they grow up. Most youngsters would be humoured and patted on the head if they said that they wanted to be a neurosurgeon. But, Joshua Beckford is the exception to the rule as he knows exactly what he wants to study. “I’ve always had a clear idea of what I want to be when I get older,” says the eight yearold who has unusual skills in seven different areas: maths, foreign languages, history, philosophy, IT, art and science. “When I was four years old I decided that I wanted to become a neurosurgeon. I am fascinated by how the human body works, especially the brain.” Joshua was born in London in 2005. His father, Knox Daniel, said he noticed his son was advanced as a baby as he sat on his lap while he worked on the computer. “I started telling him what the letters on the keyboard were and I realised that he could understand and was able to point to each letter and number correctly before he could speak” says Knox. “I would like to practice surgery ” to save lives He started home teaching his son aged just 10 months. Between then up until he turned six, Joshua taught himself to touch type on a computer before he could even use a pencil. At the age of two and a half, he learned to read fluently using phonics. Then after mastering Japanese, he started to learn Chinese Mandarin. Aged 3, he was able to correctly name most cars on the road, along with the country in which they were manufactured. He also developed a fascination with the human body and completed his reading of 11 advanced books on human anatomy, including genes and DNA. During that time, his dad, while searching for more challenging things to keep Joshua stimulated, spoke to the Director of Education at Oxford University about their on-line learning platform and Joshua`s unusual talents. She suggested a master-class on philosophy for highly able children between the ages of eight and 13. Joshua was still only six years old and the university had not previously accepted anyone so young. But, they agreed to make an exception and his father committed to the idea of keeping his son occupied outside of school. adult, says of his father, “He bought me lots of books and software on human anatomy.” Joshua mastered naming all the internal organs of the body (using their technical terms in Latin) and can explain how the 12 systems all work together to keep people alive, including parts of the brain and the parts of the body they control. Joshua also performs surgical operations on his laptop using Microsoft Surgery Simulator. He can correctly use all the instruments and successfully complete operations, including appendectomy, hernia removal, removal of a cataract, varicosis and tonsillectomy, repair of a lower leg fracture and cholecystectomy (surgical removal of the gallbladder). “I want to help children learn about history” What may appear to be simply child’s play online is an absolute plan to Joshua.“In five years time I hope to be doing neurosurgery and genetics research at either Oxford or Joshua was enrolled on the philosophy Cambridge University. I would like to practice course and became the youngest student surgery to save lives so that people don’t EVER to pass with a distinction. After receiving have to lose their families and friends.” his certificate, Oxford University offered him the opportunity to do another master-class in Meanwhile, Joshua, with his unusual skills historical enquiry on the Great Plague of 1665. in various topics is fascinated by Imhotep, Again, Joshua, who is able to explain complex the great Egyptian multi-genius and Father of concepts such as gravity and infinity, was Medicine. He currently spends his spare time successful and came 4th out of 24 students all writing a children’s book called Interesting older than him, earning another distinction. Facts about Ancient Egypt. Knox is used to his son being way ahead of his years. “Most of the time I don’t notice his intelligence because he is just Joshua to us. But he can be a bit of challenge because sometimes he asks so many questions.” Speaking of his ambition to become a neurosurgeon, Joshua, who has a reading age of an YouthPhoriaUK He asserts, “I am fascinated by ancient Egypt, as the Egyptians were able to do the most amazing things long ago. I want to help children to learn about history.” Could Joshua also go down in history as one of our greatest geniuses?! 19