organized locally, which increased the awareness among the citizens on
the role of the European Parliament.
Through the Competition activity – “What are the European Elections?”
30 young students form 6 cities situated in the Center Region mobilized
civic campaigns with aim of encouraging other young people to vote in the
European Elections 2014, and carried out awareness campaigns on issues
of European interest such as the importance of turnout of the European
elections of 2014 for the future of EU, the role of MEPs, and how they
represent the citizens’ interests, how MEPs are elected etc. while as an
indirect result several hundred young people form each city were informed
on this issues.
“The European Parliament of the
Youth” project had an important
impact on raising awareness among
young people in the Center Region
on Romania on the importance of the
European Elections 2014 and of
other European subjects of interest
such as: European Politics, policies
and values. The projects also
engaged young people in active
debates related to educational and
European level and also on other
determined young people to be more active with regard to their
responsibilities and obligations as European citizens.
The project also benefited from the kind of support offered by the City Hall
and the Local Council of Alba Iulia Municipality.
Tudor Drambarean