Youth Culture. One. | Page 115

People such as Ellen DeGeneres, a lesbian woman who has received the Presidential Medal of Freedom; Tom Daley, a gay man sporting 2 Olympic bronze medals; Sir Ian McKellen, a gay man, knighted for his immense collection of theatrical awards and contribution to cultural entertainment; Lady Gaga, a bisexual women, prolific in the music industry and an LGBT icon; Troye Sivan, a gay man adored as an online personality and musician writing about his experiences in relationships as unapologetically homosexual. For young audiences to have these icons present in their culture, instils an environment conducive to liberal views pertaining to sexual liberation and celebration. It also shows that LGBT people can be successful in a multitude of careers, and that they are not solely defined by their sexuality but rather their behaviour and achievements.

Ultimately, through the new liberal views of the upcoming young generation, sex and sexuality has begun to be seen with less of a prejudice. Yet, despite having come a long way in terms of legal equality, there is still a lot of progress to be made socially and culturally. The political strength of todays youth culture has already spurred some positive social revaluations of sex and sexuality, but continue to strive for total emancipation for all sexualities.
