There are many exciting courses and programmes out there for you to learn more and take part in social action .
Empowering programmes for green careers : UK-wide
Bright Green Future is a programme in environmental leadership and empowerment , which specifically encourages people of colour to take part . If you identify as a woman , there is the
Catalyse Change programme that helps them to develop sustainability skills and knowledge for ‘ healthy , happy and green ’ communities , careers and planet .
And if you head straight into the world of work , then seek out opportunities to influence the sustainability of the organisation , from organising litter picks to petitioning for car sharing or bike storage .
Solutions to inspire : Project Drawdown has produced an excellent series of free materials and resources highlighting Climate Solutions : https :// t . co / luRO1KFsit You can also get inspired with more amazing engineering ideas for sustainability with the 1000 Solutions website : https :// solarimpulse . com / If radio is your thing , then Radio 4 has produced a whole show devoted to ’ 39 Ways to Save the Planet ’: https :// www . bbc . co . uk / programmes / m000qwt3
Finally , for all you nature lovers , check out this beautifully designed
handbook - a guide for increasing people ’ s connection with nature . findingnatureblog . files . wordpress . com / 2022 / 04 / the-nature-connection-handbook . pdf