Yours Truly 2019 YT 2019 PDF (Joomag) | Page 57

earl grey world Devin P. Taing in an ashen dream, a conscious stream flows before the sun climbs, before colors flood crimes unknown to the judgement of man, as monochrome life began away and deep into the night, where souls without light stay. mere scales & balances defined grey characters and their outlines without giving them form nor face, but lore devoid of time and place. devout still, somber and sulky as so, in this grey world where we live alone, shadows are drawn by streetlights, and apathetic figureless eyes close before dawn can shatter and break, but having been broken, it can be remade. a single sip of tea pushes me, further into the night, perhaps insanity, what a curse or blessing, such anonymity. 55