Yours Truly 2017 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA 2017 YT Online Book | Page 23
Welcome Mat
Michelle Schaefer
I say goodbye as I vacate the place I called home. The place I borrowed for so long has
become a crowd. To my new home, I ask for warmth and acceptance. I will learn to smell
your streets and eat what you offer. I will speak to be understood and plant myself a room
to live in. I will carve out dreams in your city and shed tears among the grit. I will learn
new songs and teach my children. I will commit the old days to memory. I will wear my
best self and settle deep into the communal waters unknown to me. I will wear the human
face of brotherhood and greet my neighbor. I will not be the same but I will complement
your native roots. I will thrive in your rain and shed water. I will share my bones and all I
have been given. Over time I will become a part of you and you will know my love and my
heartache. And each morning I will turn my face to the east to welcome a sun that promises
to rise.
the same empty nest
still in the willow tree