Yours Truly 2016 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA | Page 46

I couldn’t stop thinking how I hated how my hair would sit on my forehead, I hated the way my lip would start to twitch after speaking for a long time, I hated that I couldn’t make my best friend appreciate me, I hated that my family was disappointed in my career path, I hated that I had no one. I hated that I couldn’t have one night where I didn’t cry, I hated that I tried so hard to be loved, but the people that were supposed to love me showed nothing. I hated how after 26 years of school, social events, family gatherings, and work, I was left with nobody but strangers who tell me nothing more than they think I’m beautiful. The next morning I found myself in a hospital bed. A woman I didn’t know was sitting on the couch about 7 feet away from me. When she saw my eyes open, she told me that she found me unconscious outside of the apartment complex on 8th Street. She told me that my right cheek, my neck and my inner thighs had purpled bruises and I wouldn’t wake up, so she rushed me here. All I had was a glass of champagne with that man after we got to his apartment, but I don’t remember anything after that. The nurse came into my room when she saw I was awake, and told me she found a trace of GHP from my blood sample. She asked me if I had any family members or friends I wanted to call, but I said no. No one would answer. I was bruised, beaten, hung over, was getting antibiotics for STDs, and the only woman that cared was one who didn’t even tell me her name and left after the nurse came into my room. 44 I wish that man had killed me.