Yours Truly 2016 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA | Page 14

Pawem Alexandria Bronson Running back and forth across the house, You inspired me to chase my dreams. Batting at toys that wouldn’t stay still, You inspired me to fight for my ideas. But most of all, my furry friend, You inspired me to be me. Looking at me with your wild eyes, You inspired me to be playful. Grabbing out at feet that walk by, You inspired me to laugh at surprises. Meowing and pawing for my attention, You showed me it’s ok to ask for help. Curling up ‘to a ball in the warmest spot, You showed me we all need to rest sometimes. But most of all, my furry friend, You showed me how to be me. Hissing at death the whole way, You taught me to never stop fighting. And your absence now, Has showed me that life keeps moving forward. 12